雷.查爾斯-瑞士蒙特勒現場演會BD [敗家] 簡單開箱文/創意開箱


影音DVDBD藍光電影-音樂、演唱會 信用評價


  • 本張專輯錄製於1997年,是雷查爾斯最後一次參加蒙特勒的音樂節

  • 給我的微笑 全都記在腦海了!變成快樂的符號 雷.查爾斯-瑞士蒙特勒現場演會BD在跳躍 這是戀愛的預兆!挑動雷.查爾斯-瑞士蒙特勒現場演會BD每一個細胞 天亮才睡覺 讓我思緒都顛倒 這次我不想放掉 防備全關掉 只許你無理取鬧!慢慢走近你的步調


    網路價$ 850



    Ray Charles was one of the true pioneers of soul music. Born in Georgia in 1930 he was one of the first performers to mix gospel, R & B and jazz to create a new form of black pop music that would come to be known as soul. His voice and delivery were strikingly different and instantly recognisable. He had his first hits in the early 50’s and was still hitting the charts into the 21st century. His death in June 2004 was front page news around the world and was followed by the award winning biographical movie “Ray”. This concert was filmed on 19 July 1997 at what was to be Ray Charles’ last appearance at Montreux, some two decades after he first took to the stage there.

    I Don’t Know
    2. Ray Charles Opener
    3. I’ll Be Home (Sadie’s Tune)
    4. Busted
    5. Georgia On My Mind
    6. Mississippi Mud
    7. Just For A Thrill
    8. You Made Me Love You
    9. Angelina
    10. Scotia Blues (Blues For Big Scotia)
    11. Song For You
    12. Watch Them Dogs
    13. Shadows Of My Mind
    14. Smack Dab In The Middle
    15. I Can’t Stop Loving You
    16. What’d I Say
