
喬迪威斯特夫 & 詹姆斯葛蘭 - 經典混音第五樂章 Anjunadeep 05(Mixed by Jody Wisternoff & James Grant)

★悠游Deep House、Progressive暗流的浪漫電舞旅程
★Way Out West靈魂人物與Anjunadeep品牌主理人合力打造

收錄Above & Beyond、Andrew Bayer、Dusky等29首舞曲神作

英倫舞曲名廠Anjunabeats副廠Anjunadeep,卓越的音樂品味與前瞻性,多年來不僅引領歐陸Progressive House、Deep House等樂風,提拔新秀亦不遺餘力,培育出Jaytech、Michael Cassette及Dusky等令人驚豔的超級新銳,而每年一張的系列混音選輯《Anjunadeep》,則堪稱其廠牌精神與指標意義的完美表徵。
這回,CD1同樣由廠牌主理人James Grant親自坐鎮,柔滑的Chill風格中,選用英國BBC Radio 1力挺、來自法國巴黎的Croquet Club 之作品〈Cardigan〉開場,典雅細膩的揭開《Anjunadeep》令人神往的年度之聲;來自美國華盛頓的Andrew Bayer則和James Grant攜手獻策〈Living〉,深富飽滿律動的音場效果,高潮迭起的曲式編排,到曼徹斯特新團Universal Solution都會時髦的Techno舞步及內斂低調的Dusky,都為CD1增添充滿科技空間的奇幻飄浮感,也難怪DJ Magazine數次給予滿分好評,《Anjunadeep》著實為當代舞曲開創全新格局與視野。
CD2在英倫Progressive Breaks雙人組Way Out West核心、叱吒DJ台超過20年的傳奇人物Jody Wisternoff打造下,洋溢出熱帶海洋氣候的奔放感動,來自美國舊金山的Lane 8以〈Be Mine〉將樂迷拉到西岸活躍的太平洋沙灘下,豔陽暖流與開朗節拍,為開場注入激昂瀟灑的雅痞氣息;Jody選用Above & Beyond單曲〈Alchemy〉打造出振奮人心的舞池氣焰;而他也貢獻十足Deep House的個人作〈Macbeth〉,盡情縱橫在經典House與熱帶Techno的光譜間,那游移轉換的出神魅力,哪怕縱情徹夜,都只有《Anjunadeep》能招架舞迷的虛索盛情!(咪咪大師)



CD1 James Grant
01. Croquet Club "Cardigan"
02. Vincenzo & Aram "Let Go"
03. Andrew Bayer & James Grant "Living"
04. Beckwith feat. Catherine Porter "Back To Love"
05. Universal Solution "Yukon"
06. Universal Solution "Osheen"
07. DAVI "The Time Has Come"
08. Jody Wisternoff & Jonathan Mendelsohn
"Out Of Reach" (Alfred Taylor Remix)
09. Dusky "Nobody Else"
10. DAVI "The Bay 6"
11. Tom Middleton "WYV AUW CHU"
12. Dusky "Mr Man"
13. Matt Lange feat. Tania Zygar "Way You Know"
14. The Presets "It's Cool"
(Andrew Bayer & James Grant Remix)
15. Solarity "Symbols"

CD2 Jody Wisternoff
01. The Peacemaker Project "Ich Lass’ Dich Nicht Zuruck" (Jody Wisternoff Remix)
02. Lane 8 "Be Mine" (Jody Wisternoff's Deep 05 Reshape)
03. Skanna vs. Jody Wisternoff "This Way"
04. Jody Wisternoff feat. Pete Josef "We Are Heroes"
05. Alfred Taylor "Kuza"
06. Beckwith "Townsend Sling"
07. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston "Alchemy"
(Jody Wisternoff Remix)
08. Rashid Ajami "Coming For You" (Jody Wisternoff Remix)
09. Kahwe "Driving Me Wild"
(Jody Wisternoff's Deep 05 Reshape)
10. Leftwing & Kody "Deep In"
(Jody Wisternoffs Deep 05 Reshape)
11. Meramek "Feeling"
12. Jody Wisternoff "Macbeth"
13. Matt Lange "Only You"
14. Andre Sobota
